Information about Colleges
Making decisions about college is one of the most important tasks a teen faces. Students need the guidance of teachers, counselors and their families while they are exploring options and making decisions. We encourage students to use the resources in Naviance as they begin this journey. Students can research colleges, majors, and careers by using the tools in Naviance.
Learning about my self and my interests
Thinking about the kind of college I would like to attend
large or small college?
city or rural community?
research based education or practical based education?
close to home or far away from home?
Potential Careers and Majors that will lead me to that career
What college will allow me to study for entry into that career?
EVHS Counselors believe that a student should start their exploration with the interests that lead to a potential career and THEN select the college that will help them meet their goals. As they conduct their research, they should save both the colleges and careers to their college and career lists in Naviance.
By the end of the Junior year, a student should have a list of about 20 colleges they are most interested in and then use the beginning of the Senior year to whittle down that list to the ones they will apply to.