Community College
Community colleges offer a distinct learning environment and are recognized for smaller class sizes, more individualized attention and a supportive atmosphere. Community colleges also offer the following:
A Pathway to a Four-Year Degree – Because community colleges are accredited, students can easily transfer between a community college and a four-year college or university.
Affordability – Attending a community college can offer savings of thousands of dollars. The average cost of attending a public community college is $2,713 per year. By comparison, the average cost of attending a public four-year college or university is $7,605 per year. Currently, tuition is free for all students for the first 1-2 years, regardless of income.
Relevance – New businesses, such as emerging green technologies, will require workers trained in new ways. Technology is central to supporting much of this change. Many community colleges provide technical or vocational training for international students.
Partnership with Industry – To ensure students have adequate preparation for jobs that require higher education or workforce training, community college officials are working with employers to develop flexible, affordable and relevant training programs that meet business and regional economic needs. The partnership between businesses and community colleges can maximize workforce development strategies, job training programs, and ultimately, job placement. International students can take advantage of these opportunities through optional practical training, a one-year authorization to work.
With the opportunity for more individualized attention and services, getting a two-year postsecondary degree and advancing to university is a more reachable goal. Interested in learning more about community colleges in the United States and finding a community college in a particular area?
Visit the American Association of Community College’s Community College Finder
- Have a high school diploma or be 18 years of age.
That is it!!! College admission tests are not required. There is no GPA requirement either- however, to qualify for Cal Grants A and B, there is a GPA requirement (3.0 for Cal Grant A, and 2.0 for Cal Grant B). Therefore, even if you are planning to attend community college, you are still encouraged to maintain good grades.
When you begin attending community college, your high school record no longer matters. What starts to count is your community college grades- those are the only grades you apply with when you are applying to transfer to a 4-year institution.
The course of study is usually 2 years at the community college, followed by 2 years at the university (4 years total).
TAG Program- Transfer Admission Guarantee
For more information, please visit the links below.
Local community colleges are: