Credit Recovery at EVHS
There are times when a student needs to recover from a poor or failing grade. Some students do not do as well as they might like on a large comprehensive campus like EVHS. In these instances, the district has some alternative education options to offer a student wishing to complete their education at another site.
Location: EVHS
Time Frame: Summer Vacation
Location: EVHS
Time Frame: During the school year, must complete the tests on campus during 1st period/Learning Lounge.
Also available in Summer School
Cyberhigh is an online program that offers both elective and college prep course work. There is no cost for students. Students can work on their courses at home.We enroll students closest to graduation first and add to the rolls as space permits.
Location: EVC, De Anza SJCC, Mission College
Time Frame: Summer Vacation
Students take classes at local community colleges following the college's enrollment procedures. Each 3 credit class at the college is the equivalent to a 10 credit HS class. Only courses taken to recover credit for graduation will be placed on a student's EVHS transcript. More information is available on the Enrichment Page.
Location: Home
Time Frame: At least 5 days, no more than 14 days
There are times when a student can not be in attendance for a brief period of time. If such a situation should arise, you can request Short - Term ISP. Applications and available in the attendance office and are returned there for processing. If approved, an EVHS teacher works with your family to gather and collect assignments during ST-ISP.
Location: EVHS
Time Frame: Length of the course varies